Meeting Result
Added by Irene Havsa over 13 years ago
This thread contains the resume our of weekly meetings.
Replies (26)
RE: Meeting Result - Added by 0706165936 MAYA RETNO AYU S over 12 years ago
Research Meeting
Date / Time : December 23th, 2011 / 16.00
Place : FMSE Laboratory
Attendance: Mr. Ade, Mr. Bayu, Maya, Arzaky, Emerson, Angga, Irene, Ahmadi
Agenda: Arzaki's Presentation
Meeting Result:1. Arzaki's Presentation
- Suggestions before presentation:
- Make slide more shorter
- Must explain the background, motivation, and result for presentation today
- Tittle: Translasi dari Varian Logika Temporal Allen atas Struktur Urutan Linier yang Terbatas di Bawah ke RPNL dan RNL-RDC
- Explanation of ATL, Semantic Formal ATL+ and ATL-
- Translation's Construction from ATL+ to HRNPL ?+
- Range T0 T0
- About verification translation algorithm
- Why do not use relation reccurence?
- propagation formula size of the translation
- Logic stands alone or attached in another? Answer: used in AI. Have its own model
- Use of term, like Poset, dll. Maybe can be included in glossary since Arzaki presents in CS's students.
- Enrich Motivation of Research
- Reasoning for ATL variants
- Ilustration with Picture for Presentation
- Reference, to make sure the original dan modification
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